With a renewed conversation around health in America and addressing chronic disease, we kept a consistent drumbeat with policymakers, stakeholders, media and consumers to set the record straight: Calories from sugar-sweetened beverages are a small part of the diet – less than 6%, according to the U.S. Department of
Agriculture (USDA). And data from the past 20 years has shown us that obesity rates and soda consumption are not correlated. In fact, adult obesity is up 37.4% since 2000, beverage calories per serving are down 42%.i, ii This is a direct result of our companies’ efforts to provide more choices with less sugar. We have a strong record to stand on in the health arena, which we will continue to amplify and hone as policymakers at all levels of government pursue solutions in 2025.
- i Centers for Disease Control and Prevention NCHS Data Brief: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db360.htm
- ii Beverage Marketing Corporation