Today’s beverage aisle provides consumers with more choices than ever before, many with less sugar or no sugar at all. Nearly 60% of beverages sold today have zero sugar. In fact, the increase in low- and zero-sugar beverages as part of overall beverage volume is a trend that has persisted since 2014 due in large part to industry innovation. With sparkling and flavored waters, zero sugar teas, sports drinks, mini-cans and more, consumers have myriad options among the more than 400 beverages with low or zero sugar now on the market.
That’s why we relaunched in early 2023 our “More Choices. Less Sugar” educational campaign. Why? To continue building awareness of the progress the industry is making to deliver more options that support consumer efforts to achieve balance. Through this effort, more than 1.4 billion impressions were garnered. We also were active with a social media campaign, showing how industry’s actions extend beyond the beverage aisle by sharing how the wide range of choices available today fit into everyday life—from restocking the fridge to getting ready for game day. While our efforts are having an impact, we know there is still more to do.